Mystical Landscapes is a Marin Design and Build company for all aspects of landscaping.
In terms of your happiness, pets are probably more important than your landscape. As such, they play an important part in the design.
Dogs are the most common design factor. Areas a dog's habit's can affect your landscape include:
Escaping can be dealt with in one of three ways:
From the dog's perspective, fencing is the best option. This costs more than in ground fencing and has some aesthetic impact. An anchored leash can be bolted to the house, inserted in the lawn, or attached to a patio.
In ground fencing is relatively easy for you or our crew to install and can be done fairly creatively. However, many dog-owners can't bear to shock their dogs in the training process.
When it comes to digging, there are various creative ways to stop a dog from digging up plants or making too much of a mess. Galvanized fencing beneath bark or rock can minimize both dog and mole damage. Landscape fabric may or may not help. Prickly and/or woody plants that are not easily damaged is an important aspect to minimize
plant damage from digging or a dog laying down on plants. Dogs usually lay down on lower, softer plants, if at all. Fencing a dog into a certain area is also a good strategy for minimizing the impact of digging or laying down on plants.
Keep in mind that fencing can be done with ornate decorative metal fencing that does not block the view, or by utilitarian farm fencing that is much cheaper, and also does not block the view. Ideally, the fencing becomes an attractive element in the landscape design.
Much more information is available in our book:
Successfully Landscaping Your Marin Home,
Available on Amazon and Marin Bookstores,
By: Dane E. Rose
"You were decisive, tenacious - with energy level tuned to maximum."
Bud Spengler